Formalist necklace
Formalist necklace

Sterling silver and red jasper.

Fully adjustable and reversible necklace.

Capture Bracelet
Capture Bracelet

Sterling Silver
Fabricated hollow construction.

While being worn, the sphere is captured and under tension, once the bracelet is opened, the sphere can be released.

Visceral Tension
Visceral Tension

Cast bronze, fabricated brass and sterling silver.

Knots are twisted into the intestine. Three silver spheres below are held in place under tension while the piece is being worn. Another sphere presses into the back of the wearer’s neck. When the necklace is removed, the tension is released and the spheres, reminiscent of worry or prayer beads, are free.
The sphere is the form any liquid will take when no force is acting upon it; perfect conservation of energy.

Climb Sisyphus, Climb
Climb Sisyphus, Climb

Fabricated and cast sterling silver and copper with patina

A salaryman or politician stands before a large a large sphere. Like Sisyphus, ready to repeat the same pointless task over and over again.

US Health Care
US Health Care

Cast and fabricated sterling silver, fabricated copper with patina.

Merger Wedding Band
Merger Wedding Band

Cast and fabricated sterling silver and copper with patina.

Harvest Necklace
Harvest Necklace

Cast sterling silver and pill capsules.

Fresh American workers are ready for harvest as their older counterparts are used up and burned out, easily replaced.

Gilded cage
Gilded cage

Cast sterling silver, lead, gold leaf and wood.

A worker realizes he is trapped in a gilded cage, working senselessly in order to pay bills for a lifestyle he is unsure he even wants.

Formalist necklace
Capture Bracelet
Visceral Tension
Climb Sisyphus, Climb
US Health Care
Merger Wedding Band
Harvest Necklace
Gilded cage
Formalist necklace

Sterling silver and red jasper.

Fully adjustable and reversible necklace.

Capture Bracelet

Sterling Silver
Fabricated hollow construction.

While being worn, the sphere is captured and under tension, once the bracelet is opened, the sphere can be released.

Visceral Tension

Cast bronze, fabricated brass and sterling silver.

Knots are twisted into the intestine. Three silver spheres below are held in place under tension while the piece is being worn. Another sphere presses into the back of the wearer’s neck. When the necklace is removed, the tension is released and the spheres, reminiscent of worry or prayer beads, are free.
The sphere is the form any liquid will take when no force is acting upon it; perfect conservation of energy.

Climb Sisyphus, Climb

Fabricated and cast sterling silver and copper with patina

A salaryman or politician stands before a large a large sphere. Like Sisyphus, ready to repeat the same pointless task over and over again.

US Health Care

Cast and fabricated sterling silver, fabricated copper with patina.

Merger Wedding Band

Cast and fabricated sterling silver and copper with patina.

Harvest Necklace

Cast sterling silver and pill capsules.

Fresh American workers are ready for harvest as their older counterparts are used up and burned out, easily replaced.

Gilded cage

Cast sterling silver, lead, gold leaf and wood.

A worker realizes he is trapped in a gilded cage, working senselessly in order to pay bills for a lifestyle he is unsure he even wants.

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